Does Commercial Insurance Protect Employees?

When you buy a commercial insurance policy, you expect that not only is your business protected, but so are the people who work for you. Commercial insurance protects more than your assets in the case of a catastrophe or disaster. Your employees benefit when you have good insurance.

Deboo Insurance Agency Inc. understands how confusing commercial insurance can be. If you live in Deerfield Beach, FL, here’s what you should know about protecting your employees.

Commercial Auto Coverage Protects Your Employees

If you have commercial insurance, you may extend your policy to the company’s vehicles. If your employees drive company vehicles, you want to know that your vehicles are protected. When your employees are covered behind the wheel, they are protected as well. Plus, your business’s potential losses may be covered.

Commercial Insurance Provides Injury Coverage

Some commercial coverage also includes workers’ compensation. This means that if an employee is injured at your business or on the job, your business is protected and so is your employer.

Commercial Health Coverage Protects Employees

Your employees also benefit when you get a commercial health policy that also encompasses health care. You may face different requirements for health insurance based on your business, so it is a good idea to discuss commercial coverage with an insurance agent to determine what requirements you need to meet and how you can protect your employees.

Get Commercial Insurance for the Most Protection

It is important that you get the best protection for your business, but how do you know what kind of insurance is right for you? Deboo Insurance Agency Inc. can help you understand the requirements and policies available in Deerfield Beach, FL.